"This is very\nlong" as Long ' You can also declare: ' "Bob()" -> Long as "This is very\nlong" Long --> "Bob()" : ok a -> b c -> D D -> a b -> c c -> Alice @enduml"> "This is very\nlong" as Long ' You can also declare: ' "Bob()" -> Long as "This is very\nlong" Long --> "Bob()" : ok a -> b c -> D D -> a b -> c c -> Alice @enduml"> "This is very\nlong" as Long ' You can also declare: ' "Bob()" -> Long as "This is very\nlong" Long --> "Bob()" : ok a -> b c -> D D -> a b -> c c -> Alice @enduml">


//kroki plantuml
Alice -> "Bob()" : Hello
"Bob()" -> "This is very\\nlong" as Long
' You can also declare:
' "Bob()" -> Long as "This is very\\nlong"
Long --> "Bob()" : ok
a -> b
c -> D
D -> a
b -> c
c -> Alice
//kroki mermaid
%% Flowchart
graph TD
    A[Sunday] -->|Get money| B(Go shopping)
    B --> C{Are we out of milk?}
    C -->|Yes| D[Buy milk]
    C -->|No| E[Buy cookies]
    D --> E
		E --> F
//kroki plantuml
* Debian
** Ubuntu
*** Linux Mint
*** Kubuntu
*** Lubuntu
*** KDE Neon
** SolydXK
** SteamOS
** Raspbian with a very long name
*** <s>Raspmbc</s> => OSMC
*** <s>Raspyfi</s> => Volumio
//kroki mermaid
    dateFormat  YYYY-MM-DD
    title 添加甘特图功能--mermaid
    section A 部分
    已完成的任务                :done,    des1, 2014-01-06,2014-01-08
    活动任务                    :active,  des2, 2014-01-09, 3d
    未来任务                    :         des3, after des2, 5d
    未来任务2                   :         des4, after des2, 5d
    section 关键任务
    关键线已完成的任务                  :crit, done, 2014-01-06,24h
    在des1、2d之后实施解析器和jison     :crit, done, after des1, 2d
    为解析器创建测试                    :crit, active, 3d
    关键线中未来任务                    :crit, 5d
    为渲染器创建测试                    :2d
    添加到 mermaid                      :1d
//kroki plantuml
  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName": "Smith",
  "isAlive": true,
  "age": 27,
  "address": {
    "streetAddress": "21 2nd Street",
    "city": "New York",
    "state": "NY",
    "postalCode": "10021-3100"
  "phoneNumbers": [
      "type": "home",
      "number": "212 555-1234"
      "type": "office",
      "number": "646 555-4567"
  "children": [12, {"name":"xiao chen"}],
  "spouse": null
//kroki mermaid
    Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you?
    loop Healthcheck
        John->>John: Fight against hypochondria
    Note right of John: Rational thoughts!
    John-->>Alice: Great!
    John->>Bob: How about you?
    Bob-->>John: Jolly good!
pie title Pets adopted by volunteers
    "Dogs" : 90
    "Cats" : 70
    "Rats" : 3